Diploma in IFRS in Nepal

If you are finance professional who is not already knowledgeable about the details of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), this qualification has a fast and efficient solution to meet your needs. If you need to develop a working knowledge of the area, the DipIFR can help prepare you.
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are mandated in more than 100 countries worldwide. All listed companies in the European Union (EU) have to prepare consolidated company accounts that comply with IFRS. It also affects associates and subsidiaries of EU-listed companies. Other countries such as Australia, Hong Kong and South Africa have already adopted IFRS or equivalents as their local Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). And many other countries around the world, including India, are moving towards applying IFRS, which is having a significant impact on financial reporting.
It is assessed by a single three-hour, 15 minute computer-based exam. You will need to achieve a 50 per cent mark or above to pass the exam. The exam is held twice a year – in June and December at ACCA’s exam centers. To know more about this course:
To study Dip IFRS in CCA contact us: 9801811219
So, one who is working in Bank and Financial institutions (BFIs), insurance companies, hydropower and other accounting and audit firms in the field of finance, audit, and accounts are highly advised to join DipIFR for meeting increased demands.
Who can join: Professional accountant or auditor in practice and qualified, candidate not qualified with three years accounting experience, ACCA affiliates can register for DipIFR.
Exam system: Three hour written exam held in June and December sittings at ACCA exam centres with pass mark
of 50%.
Exam format: Section A- One group question worth 40 marks
Section B- Three scenarios question worth 20 marks each
Exam fee: GBP 185
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